1. 感動來的感情是對方欺騙自己好讓自己愛上你.
1. 感動來的感情是對方欺騙自己好讓自己愛上你.
2. 所謂的旁觀者清 是當所有的 "旁觀者" 去互相觀察彼此的感情後,儘管答案是一樣的明瞭 只懂得處理他人的感情 卻始終不懂自己的該如何是好.
3. Sometimes the question is: How many sets of eyes are required for you to stop looking? and how many sets of hearts needed for you to start loving again?
4. Do not deny me of my pain, for my pain is mine, and what's mine is indeed a proof of me living.
5. Do not deny me of my speech, for my words are poems of my thoughts and expression, thus, to deny my speech is to deny my existence.
6. 我認識自己,也認識你,但是你卻不認識我,因此你更不可能去認識自己
7. 所謂的 "為自己出征",對我來說只不過是自私的人常用的藉口罷了. 然而時時刻刻為了他人著想的人卻矛盾般的也是自私的
8. 人隨時隨地的不安與忐忑是因為人們是虛無主義者, 因此齊克果做不出承諾, 因為對他來說愛情太美, 所謂的承諾只是當下的善意謊言
9. 倘若愛情缺乏辯證法的話, 那就是真愛.
10. 最終的愛情哲理 就是沒有哲理可言.
11. 人類的記憶是一個悲哀的能力, 它使得我們無法忘記痛苦, 然而回憶裡的痛, 卻能夠成為未來的幸福
12. 一段感情的開始也是失去的開始
13. To self sacrifice is actually a form of murder labeled with a lie called "love", in a religious sense, Jesus ironically hates Himself, where he would much rather love others than himself.
14. Do not deny me of loving, for I love therefore I am, and since love is often blind and thoughtless, I think therefore I am comes in hindsight.
15. Why must love be painful? is so we can tell the difference when happiness strikes.
16. The road to hell is paved with gold and good intentions. Thus, the road to heaven is usually the one paved with shit and discouragement.
17. Call everybody else a hero, praise all of you for your selfless deeds, since by doing so one shall always be the person receiving instead of giving.
18. 喜歡一個人但不可能在一起的說法其實並不矛盾 but it is impossible to state impossibility.
19. 當喜歡上一個人, 無須被動, 就算結果令人失望, 可以從中認識自己.
20. To leave something behind, is to wait for the perfect opportunity to pick it up again.
21. It's funny that even though it hurts when the one you love is telling you about the one he/she loves, you are still willing to listen.
22. To choose a happier lifestyle is no better than to live one.
23. 為愛情找尋本質或設限是愚蠢的, 因為它包括了不定律以及無限.
24. 當一個人說 "我是為他人著想" 通常是在說 "我是為了我自己".
25. 真正喜歡上一個人是可以真的不帶酸的口吻去祝福對方跟比自己好的人在一起, 也是真的希望對方能夠重新相信愛情.
26. 謬論就跟 iphone 一樣, 是現在非常流行的盲從.
27. 如果世界上的一切都在空間與時間之內, 何謂永恆?所謂的永恆諷刺般的是即刻逝去的, 然而霎那卻永恆, 短暫卻永恆.
28. 以科學的角度來說, 我們都活在即刻的過去或緊接著的未來, 沒有人活在現在, 因此人分為兩種: 一種是活在過去的回憶中, 另一種則是活在未來的白日夢. 前者是理性但得不到浪漫與夢想的傻子, 後者則是感性但往往被現實打敗的的瘋子.
29. It's ironic to say you like a person while feeling awkward to spend his last few days together. And it's ironic to tell the person to adjust when you are the one feeling weird. And it's the most ironic, for that person to still stay by your side.
30. People that are drenched in their own selflessness are usually referred to as the idiotic behind the scene.
31. Life is a tragic comedy, therefore to ease your pain you better start laughing, especially at yourself.
32. 高中經濟學老師: when you assume, you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me". However when I assume, usually its all on me.
33. 人的身上瀰漫著不安, 是因為每一個人都急於從自己的枷鎖中解放出來. 人的身上瀰漫著不安, 是因為他活在一個隱形的放大鏡之下. 人的身上瀰漫著不安, 是因為他害怕別人比自己認識自己.